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(Portsmouth, NH) - U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) visited New Hampshire State Fishing Pier this morning to meet with representatives from New Hampshire Community Seafood and local fishermen where she discussed her efforts to protect the state’s fishing industry. Shaheen specifically discussed the impact of reduced cod populations on the New Hampshire fishing industry as well as her work to secure $150 million in federal disaster relief for coastal communities across New England and other struggling regions of the country.

“Fishing is one our state’s oldest industries and today remains a critical driver of our economy. We have to make sure the industry remains strong and viable, particularly during these difficult times,” said Shaheen.  “The disaster relief I’m working to secure is critical to the fishing industry’s future and I hope the Senate passes it as quickly as possible.”

In recent years, drastic quota reductions on Gulf of Maine cod have created serious strains on New Hampshire’s fishing industry.  The industry as a whole has also struggled with revenue losses in the face of declining fish populations and the need to comply with fishery management decisions. In response to these struggles, Senator Shaheen worked with Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) to secure $150 million for fishery disaster relief in legislation that was recently approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee.  The resources would not only provide economic relief for the industry but also make investments in the efficiency and viability of the industry across the Seacoast. The bill is now ready for consideration by the full Senate.