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Annual New Hampshire Business Day Luncheon brings together policymakers, small businesses

(Washington, DC)— U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) hosted more than 150 members of the New Hampshire business community today for her 3rd Annual New Hampshire Business Day Luncheon. The event gives the New Hampshire business community an opportunity to come to Capitol Hill and hear directly from government leaders and key congressional officials about federal programs and agencies that support, regulate, and offer research and technical assistance to businesses.

“New Hampshire is home to so many small businesses and innovators and if we help them flourish the potential for future economic growth is huge,” said Senator Shaheen, a member of the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. “I want to do everything I can to give New Hampshire businesses the resources and information they need to create jobs and grow our economy. New Hampshire Business Day is about connecting businesses and policymakers so job creators have the tools they need to succeed.”


Featured speakers who addressed the New Hampshire business community included:

  • U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, State of New Hampshire
  • U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte, State of New Hampshire
  • Director Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Director, White House Office of Management and Budget
  • U.S. Senator Rob Portman, State of Ohio  
  • Chris Thompson, President & CEO, Brand USA 
  • Secretary Shaun Donovan, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • U.S. Senator Judd Gregg, CEO, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
  • Director Richard Cordray, United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau  
  • Secretary Jack Lew, United States Department of the Treasury


“Today’s meeting with New Hampshire business leaders was a wonderful opportunity to bring government and private sector representatives together in order to discuss our shared goals,” said Michael Masserman, Executive Director of Export Policy, Promotion, and Strategy at the International Trade Administration. “The Department of Commerce assists businesses like those in New Hampshire in broadening economic opportunities at home and abroad, with promoting exports as a top priority. Through our trade promotion efforts, businesses can sell their goods and services around the world while strengthening their regional economies and supporting and creating jobs. The Department of Commerce is committed to continuing our work with both the New Hampshire Congressional delegation and local business leaders in order to achieve these shared goals.”

“The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) enjoyed the opportunity to participate in these important discussions with New Hampshire’s Congressional and business leaders,” said EDA Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Affairs Tom Guevara. “Collaborating like this is critical to growing New Hampshire’s job-creating economic ecosystems.”

"The BIA is happy to partner again with Senator Shaheen on New Hampshire Business Day because we understand the importance of connecting New Hampshire business leaders with Senator Shaheen and her colleagues in Washington,” said Jim Roche, president of the Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire. “So much of what happens in Washington impacts New Hampshire businesses, either directly or indirectly, and it is critical that their voices be heard on matters that will effect their ability to plan, remain profitable and lead to additional job creation in New Hampshire."

Senator Shaheen has been an advocate for businesses throughout her career, sponsoring and supporting legislation to help small businesses in New Hampshire and U.S. economic growth. For years, Shaheen has been a strong and active proponent for streamlining the outdated U.S. export control system and helped create the State Trade and Export Promotion (STEP) grant program to assist small businesses looking to take advantage of emerging global market places.  Earlier this week Shaheen introduced the bipartisan Small Business Export Growth Act  to help small businesses capitalize on export opportunities by removing red tape and improve federal export assistance programs for small businesses. 

As a member of the Small Business Committee, she also helped craft the landmark Small Business Jobs Act, which provided unprecedented support for small businesses. The bill cut billions of dollars in taxes for small businesses and helped small companies get access to overseas markets. Earlier this week, the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee passed Shaheen’s bipartisan legislation to permanently reauthorize the SBA 504 refinance program, which helps small companies refinance their mortgages and lock in low interest rates.  Shaheen has also won long-term reauthorization for the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) which is a program that allows more small, innovative businesses to compete for federal research and development programs. 


After the New Hampshire Business Day event, Senator Shaheen, the New Hampshire State Society and the New Hampshire Congressional Delegation will host the 4th Annual Experience New Hampshire reception to highlight some of the Granite State’s exceptional small businesses, tourism opportunities and unique arts and crafts.