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Bill #
Bill Description
Cosponsored — A bill to designate a portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as wilderness.
Cosponsored — A bill to preserve health benefits for workers.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to limitations on exclusive approval or licensure of orphan drugs, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to provide emergency relief to youth, children, and families experiencing homelessness, in light of the health and economic consequences of COVID-19.
Cosponsored — A bill to provide paid family and medical leave benefits to certain individuals, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to approve certain advanced biofuel registrations, to require the consideration of certain advanced biofuel pathways, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to allow for the personal importation of safe and affordable drugs from approved pharmacies in Canada.
Cosponsored — A bill to establish a Homeowner Assistance Fund at the Department of the Treasury.
Sponsored — A bill to establish a Governor's Emergency STEM Promotion Fund, and for other purposes.
Sponsored — No latest title...
Sponsored — No latest title...
Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide more effective remedies to victims of discrimination in the payment of wages on the basis of sex, and for other purposes.
Sponsored — A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to provide treatment for eating disorders for dependents of members of the uniformed services.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a refundable tax credit against income tax for the purchase of qualified access technology for the blind.
Cosponsored — A bill to provide for an emergency increase in Federal funding to State Medicaid programs for expenditures on home and community-based services.
Sponsored — A bill to prohibit the application of certain restrictive eligibility requirements to foreign nongovernmental organizations with respect to the provision of assistance under part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.
Cosponsored — A bill to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes.
Sponsored — A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to deny the deduction for advertising and promotional expenses for prescription drugs.
Cosponsored — A bill to assist States in carrying out projects to expand the child care facilities in the States, and for other purposes.