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Bill Description
Cosponsored — Save Voters Act
Cosponsored — Substance Abuse Prevention Act of 2018
Cosponsored — Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Act of 2018
Cosponsored — STOP Act of 2018
Cosponsored — Keep Families Together Act
Cosponsored — International Human Rights Defense Act of 2018
Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 to require Congressional approval before the President adjusts imports that are determined to threaten to impair national security.
Cosponsored — Small Business 7(a) Lending Oversight Reform Act of 2018
Cosponsored — Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 Reform Act
Cosponsored — PAST Act
Cosponsored — PACE Act
Sponsored — Transportation Workforce Recovery and Retention Act
Cosponsored — A bill to limit the transfer of F-35 aircraft to foreign countries.
Cosponsored — Do No Harm Act
Cosponsored — Help for Moms and Babies Act
Cosponsored — PRINT Act
Cosponsored — SIREN Act of 2018
Cosponsored — Opioid Crisis Response Act of 2018
Sponsored — Afghan Allies Protection Amendments Act of 2018