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Cosponsored — Girls Count Act of 2015
Cosponsored — Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act of 2015
Cosponsored — Pet and Women Safety Act of 2015
Cosponsored — Fair Elections Now Act
Cosponsored — Robocall and Call Spoofing Enforcement Improvements Act of 2015
Cosponsored — Affordability Is Access Act
Sponsored — Smart Manufacturing Leadership Act
Cosponsored — Federal Energy Savings Enhancement Act of 2015
Cosponsored — VOW to Hire Heroes Extension Act of 2015
Cosponsored — Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Prevention, Education, and Research Act of 2015
Cosponsored — Protecting Domestic Violence and Stalking Victims Act of 2015
Sponsored — Harriet Tubman Tribute Act of 2015
Cosponsored — Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
Cosponsored — A resolution celebrating the 50th anniversary of the historic Griswold v. Connecticut decision of the Supreme Court of the United States and expressing the sense of the Senate that the case was an important step forward in helping ensure that all people of the United States are able to use contraceptives to plan pregnancies and have healthier babies.
Cosponsored — Women Veterans Access to Quality Care Act of 2015
Cosponsored — A resolution relative to the death of Joseph Robinette Biden, III.
Cosponsored — Cider Investment and Development through Excise Tax Reduction (CIDER) Act
Cosponsored — Stop Harming Our Kids Resolution of 2015
Cosponsored — Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 2015