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Ahead of Summer Travel, Shaheen Visits Lake Winnipesaukee to Discuss Efforts to Address Water Quality Concerns

**Shaheen has secured $650,000 in Congressionally Directed Spending for water quality in Lake Winnipesaukee and Lake Kanasatka over the past two funding years**

(Laconia, NH) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), a Senior Member of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee, visited Lake Winnipesaukee in Laconia, where she met with the Lake Winnipesaukee Association to learn more about its efforts to improve water quality ahead of a busy summer season where Granite Staters and visitors will head to the lake. Over the past two funding years, Shaheen has secured $650,000 in Congressionally Directed Spending to help address water quality concerns, like harmful algal blooms and invasive species, in Lake Winnipesaukee and Lake Kanasatka. Photos from today’s event can be found here.

“As Granite Staters and visitors head to the lakes this summer, it’s critical we keep our pristine lakes clean and free from harmful algal blooms,” said Senator Shaheen. “I was excited to see firsthand the Lake Winnipesaukee Association’s work to address this issue using Congressionally Directed Spending I secured—ensuring the water is safe for outdoor recreation at beloved places like Lake Winnipesaukee and Lake Kanasatka.”

Shaheen has spearheaded efforts to preserve and protect the Granite State’s natural environment—including the state’s many lakes. In the FY2024 government funding legislation, Shaheen secured $150,000 in Congressionally Directed Spending for the Lake Winnipesaukee Association’s efforts to mitigate stormwater runoff and erosion and $500,000 in FY2022 to support watershed planning and address cyanobacteria in Lake Winnipesaukee.

As a lead negotiator of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Shaheen also helped secure more than $12 billion for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund over five years—a historic investment in improving the quality of lakes, rivers and streams through improvements to wastewater infrastructure, stormwater management and watershed planning, among other activities. She also fought to secure full funding and permanent authorization for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), which has helped protect more than 2.5 million acres of land and supported tens of thousands of state and local outdoor recreation projects throughout the nation.
