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$39.5 million in federal affordable housing aid coming to New Hampshire

CARES Act funding to aid vulnerable tenants in state

New Hampshire is receiving another $39.5 million in federal CARES Act funding to support affordable housing programs and organizations around the state.

The funding, announced by all four members of New Hampshire's congressional delegation, includes $19.3 million through the Community Development Block Grant program, which can be used to expand community health facilities, childcare centers, food banks and senior services as well as support eviction prevention, rental deposit assistance and homelessness prevention programs. Another $8.9 million was awarded to the state through the Emergency Solutions Grant program, which provides funding to help homeless people quickly regain permanent housing.

In addition, the city of Manchester received an additional $1.8 million in ESG funding.

About another $3.8 million was awarded through the HOME program, which provides grants to states to help build, buy and rehabilitate affordable housing for rent or homeownership or provide direct rental assistance to low-income households. And $3 million was awarded to New Hampshire through the Housing Trust Fund, which provides grants to states to produce and preserve affordable housing for extremely low- and very low-income households.

"With the expiration of New Hampshire's eviction moratorium, many vulnerable Granite Staters, including seniors, people with disabilities and working families, risk losing their homes with nowhere to go. Homelessness is a serious problem that has grown exponentially worse from the fallout of Covid-19," said U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, who added that the funds "help bolster and expand access to affordable housing in regions throughout our state."

Hassan added that Covid-19 "exacerbated the housing crisis in New Hampshire and across the country, and with the expiration of the eviction moratorium, many Granite Staters, including the elderly and those who experience disabilities, are in danger of losing their homes."

U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster, D-2ndC.D., agreed, saying "no one should have to worry about losing their home and not having a safe place to live, especially during a pandemic, but that is the grim reality many Granite Staters face."

"As many families across New Hampshire struggle to make ends meet, this additional federal support for affordable housing could not have come at a more important time," said U.S. Rep. Chris Pappas, D-1stC.D.