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North Country mills have been shut down since 2008

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) announced today that the New Hampshire North Country Council has been awarded a $150,000 Economic Development Administration (EDA) planning grant for the Groveton Mill Redevelopment Project. The funding will be used to develop a comprehensive business, engineering, and marketing plan for the expansion and improvement of the former Groveton Paper Board and Wausau Mills.

“This redevelopment grant uses taxpayer dollars to leverage private investment in an area of New Hampshire that has been especially hard hit during the recession,” Shaheen said.  “The Groveton Mill Redevelopment Project will give the region an important economic boost and help get North Country residents back to work.”

Earlier this year, Senator Shaheen sent a letter to officials at the Economic Development Administration asking for their consideration of the Groveton project. The funding announced today will enable the North Country Council to create a comprehensive plan for the redevelopment of the facility, including installation of an efficient combined heat and power system, which will lower the facility’s energy costs.

“This grant represents an important step forward in the effort to bring business back to the Groveton Mill complex,” said Jeff Hayes, Director of Economic Development at the North Country Council. “With federal funding, we’ll be able to do the type of planning that can draw private investment to the North Country, creating good local jobs.”