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Shaheen Urges Granite Staters to Participate in Drug Take Back Day

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement ahead of Drug Take Back Day, which is a national event recognized on April 24th and hosted by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). There are drop off locations across New Hampshire for Drug Take Back Day where the public can drop off old and unused prescription drugs for safe disposal. Individuals can find the nearest drop off location on the DEA’s website.   

“For too long, Granite State families have endured the devastating impact of the substance use disorder epidemic, which has taken New Hampshire residents of all ages and has left no community untouched. And as the COVID-19 pandemic bore down on our state, we witnessed one public health crisis exacerbate another. Now more than ever, it is critical that Granite Staters come together and do their part to help make our communities safer,” said Shaheen. “That’s why I’m urging New Hampshire residents to go through their medicine cabinets and homes to dispose of unused or expired medication. The more prescription drugs we can safely get off the street, the safer our families and neighborhoods will be. Turning the tide on the substance use disorder epidemic requires a multi-faceted approach, but this is one easy step that we can all take to help prevent another generation from succumbing to this crisis.”