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(Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen released the below statement following President Obama's State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress:

"My top priority for this year continues to be creating jobs and it is clear that President Obama shares that focus.  That means helping small businesses access credit, increasing the export of American products, and building a clean energy economy.  We also need to turn our attention to reducing the national deficit. 

"This past year, President Obama and Congress successfully stabilized the overall financial system and prevented us from entering a depression.  But we continue to face the harsh economic reality that middle class families and small businesses are still feeling the adverse effects of a recession and we need to put their interests first.

"The President will visit Nashua next week to talk more specifically about his plans to boost our economy, and I couldn't think of a better place for him to discuss small business policy than New Hampshire.  Small business is the backbone of our state's economy, and it's these businesses that create good jobs and spur local economic growth. 

"I look forward to hearing more about the specifics of President Obama's plan to provide economic security to middle class families and small businesses, and I am committed to working with the President and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to address the challenges facing families in New Hampshire."