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As U.S. Approaches 200,000 COVID-19 Deaths, Shaheen Demands Congress Stay in Session & Pass Legislation to Protect the Public and Provide Relief

(Washington, DC)—U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement as the United States approaches 200,000 deaths from COVID-19:

“This a solemn milestone that should serve as a sobering reminder of how much work we have left to do to get this pandemic under control,” said Shaheen. “Every death is the loss of a loved one, a friend or a neighbor. Many contracted the virus as essential workers, helping to save lives and keep fundamental industries in our economy up and running.

“Granite Staters have done an extraordinary job protecting one another, and this is reflected in our comparably low infection rate. However, we must remain vigilant. Despite our best efforts, more than 400 lives have been lost. Our thoughts, prayers and support are with the loved ones of all who were taken too soon,” Shaheen continued.

“I have no more important responsibility than to help Granite Staters get through this crisis. Under no circumstances should Congress recess before the election without delivering a bill to the President’s desk that provides financial assistance to families, supports our struggling hospitals, delivers additional tests and protective equipment, and helps our state and local governments maintain critical services. Families across New Hampshire are struggling to pay their rent or mortgages, and put food on the table. Further, the state of New Hampshire has experienced a 20 percent drop in revenue, and many communities could be forced to lay off teachers, firefighters and police officers, and cut trash collection, library and other local services. Senator McConnell must finally let the Senate negotiate on a bipartisan basis and end the months-long blockade on progress toward an agreement.”