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At Armed Services Committee Hearing, Shaheen Questions Military Nominee on Potential to Recover Korean War Soldiers Missing in Action

**General Brooks assured Shaheen that if confirmed this issue would be a top priority** 

**Earlier this year, Shaheen amended North Korean sanctions legislation to protect efforts to recover remains of American servicemembers**

(Washington, DC) – Today at a Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) questioned General Vincent K. Brooks on the potential to restart talks with North Korea on recovering U.S. servicemembers who are still missing in action from the Korean War. Earlier this year, Senator Shaheen successfully amended North Korean sanctions legislation to protect efforts to recover the remains of American servicemembers. General Brooks, who has been nominated to serve as Commander of United States Forces Korea, assured Shaheen that if confirmed this issue would be a top priority.

You can read Senator Shaheen exchange with General Books here:

Senator Shaheen: Finally, as you know, more than 7,800 troops remain lost and unrecovered from the Korean War. We, last year, had an Army first-class private, Elmer Richard from Exeter, NH, who has returned to his family. He had been lost in December of 1950; was listed as Missing in Action. And, I know this is a sensitive issue, but do you foresee any potential to restart talks with North Korea on how to recover those who are Missing in Action from the Korean War?

General Brooks: Senator, I think it’s one of the most important obligations we can fulfill, and if the conditions change in our relationship where we can have a reasonable dialogue with North Korea, that should be one of the first things considered, and if confirmed, I would commit myself to that. It’s a solemn obligation that we never, never leave those behind. If we can recover them, we will.

Senator Shaheen: Thank you, I very much appreciate that, and I agree that that should be a priority for us. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

You can watch the full exchange here.