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(WASHINGTON, DC) – Today, U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and Representatives Annie Kuster (NH-2) and Frank Guinta (NH-1) wrote to President Barack Obama in support of Governor Maggie Hassan’s request for a Major Disaster Declaration for the State of New Hampshire following the damage and costs caused by a snowstorm in January. The costs associated with the January storm exceeded $3.29 million.

“The magnitude of the response required by this blizzard is such that an effective response is beyond the capacity of New Hampshire’s state and local governments, justifying federal assistance,” the delegation wrote. “We urge you to grant a Major Disaster Declaration for New Hampshire as soon as possible in order to ensure that our state and towns have access to the resources and assistance they need to fully recover from this emergency.”

The record setting snow storm required that the New Hampshire State Emergency Operations Plan and Emergency Operations Center deploy 648 New Hampshire Department of Transportation personnel to plow nearly 9,000 miles of roadway.

The full text of the letter is available here and below: 

March 23, 2015

The Honorable Barack Obama

President of the United States

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Obama:

We write in support of New Hampshire Governor Margaret Hassan’s request for a Major Disaster Declaration for the State of New Hampshire following the damage and costs caused by a snowstorm that lasted from January 26 through January 28, 2015.  The Governor’s request covers Public Assistance and Direct Federal Assistance, including snow removal, for Hillsborough, Rockingham and Strafford counties, and statewide designation for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.

During the period January 26 to January 28, Hillsborough, Rockingham and Strafford Counties received between 28 and 32 inches of snowfall, breaking local accumulation records, imposing significant damage, and straining state, municipal and county budgets. During that timeframe, areas throughout New Hampshire also experienced significant snowfall along with high winds. In response, Governor Hassan issued a Statewide State of Emergency, activated the State Emergency Operations Plan and Emergency Operations Center, and deployed 648 New Hampshire Department of Transportation personnel to plow nearly 9,000 miles of roadway.

The magnitude of the response required by this blizzard is such that an effective response is beyond the capacity of New Hampshire’s state and local governments, justifying federal assistance. Current verified costs associated with this incident exceed $3.29 million statewide, surpassing the state’s per capita benchmark. In addition, due to the substantial costs of snow removal, salting, de-icing, and sanding of roads, Hillsborough, Rockingham and Strafford Counties, and the municipalities therein, have both exceeded their per capita benchmark and exhausted their snow removal budgets.

We urge you to grant a Major Disaster Declaration for New Hampshire as soon as possible in order to ensure that our state and towns have access to the resources and assistance they need to fully recover from this emergency.  Thank you for your consideration.


Jeanne Shaheen Kelly A. Ayotte

United States Senator United States Senator


Ann McLane Kuster Frank Guinta

Member of Congress Member of Congress