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ICYMI: On Senate Floor, Shaheen Calls on Congressional Republicans to Defend US Democracy & End Partisan Attacks on Intelligence Community to Discredit Mueller Investigation

**SHAHEEN: “Our democracy is being tested.  Our law enforcement agencies are being tested.  And we as Senators are being tested.  We have a responsibility to come together, Senators of both parties, to defend the independence of the Justice Department and the FBI.” **


Watch the remarks here

(Washington, DC) – Last night on the Senate floor, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) called on Congressional Republicans to defend our nation’s democracy against attacks by foreign adversaries with a renewed focus on important questions about Russian meddling and the US government’s response. Shaheen urged Congressional Republicans to help end the effort to discredit law enforcement officials and institutions, and warned about critical vulnerabilities that have gone unaddressed in the wake of Russia’s intervention in the 2016 election, particularly as the 2018 midterm elections approach.

Shaheen said, “These attacks are part of a broader campaign that’s been orchestrated by the White House to undermine the investigations into Russia’s interference in the 2016 campaign, including possible collusion by the Trump campaign. Unfortunately, if continued, it will have a lasting impact on our security structures, on our democratic institutions and on our people—and ultimately, it will help the Kremlin achieve its goal to break down our country and democratic way of life.”

Shaheen shared CIA Director Mike Pompeo’s comments on the likelihood of Russian interference in the 2018 elections, in which he reaffirmed, “Of course. I have every expectation that they will continue to do that.” The Senator also pointed out current efforts by Russian internet trolls and bots to aggressively promote the release of the House Republican memo attacking the integrity of the FBI, and that the President continues to be dismissive of claims of Russian interference.

Additionally, Shaheen highlighted the language parroted back and forth between the Trump administration and the Kremlin, underscoring how alarming it is that Vladimir Putin and the Republican Party are using the same talking points.

The Senator closed her remarks with a plea to Congressional Republicans to take a stand and defend law enforcement agencies and our democratic intuition and said, “Our democracy is being tested.  Our law enforcement agencies are being tested.  And we as Senators are being tested.  We have a responsibility to come together, Senators of both parties, to defend the independence of the Justice Department and the FBI.  We must insist that Special Counsel Mueller be allowed to conduct and complete his investigation without further political interference.  And we must stand together in opposing Russia’s outrageous continuing interference in America’s elections and domestic affairs.”