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ICYMI: Progress on Nord Stream 2 Delayed By Shaheen-Cruz Amendment That’s Now Law

(Washington, DC) – In December, President Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020, which included legislation authored by Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) that would impose targeted sanctions on pipe-laying vessels involved in the construction of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline. Some observers thought that the bipartisan amendment to the defense bill was too late to prevent the completion of the project, however, numerous reports since the amendment became law show that it has successfully stalled the progress on the pipeline:

S&P Global: Just 160 km of the total length of the 2,460 km two-string line is left to lay after contractor Allseas halted pipe-laying work due to US sanctions signed into law in mid-December threatening measures against companies helping to build the project. 

REUTERS: Russia was forced to postpone completion of Nord Stream 2 until next year after the United States imposed sanctions on the project to supply gas to Germany.  

A quote from Senator Shaheen on her successful effort to delay the project:  

“These sanctions send an unmistakable message that the United States will not sit idly by while the Kremlin seeks to further spread its malign influence,” said Senator Shaheen. “The Nord Stream 2 project threatens Ukraine, Europe’s energy independence and gives Russia an opening to exploit our allies. I appreciate Senator Cruz’s partnership in advancing this legislation that is now imposing highly-targeted sanctions on the pipe-laying ships involved in Russia’s Nord Stream 2 project and successfully delaying its completion.”