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(Washington, D.C.) – Today at 12pm, Jeanne Shaheen was sworn in as New Hampshire’s first ever female U.S. Senator, and the first woman ever to be elected both Governor and Senator from any state.

“I’m honored to join the U.S. Senate today and to get to work on the many challenges facing New Hampshire and our nation,” said Senator Shaheen. “We need to get our economy back on track by creating jobs and putting middle class families first again. We must lay the foundation for long-term economic strength by investing in clean, alternative energy sources, and we must begin the long work of repairing our international standing. We’re facing great challenges, but I have no doubt we can overcome them by working together. I’m eager to get started.”

Senator Shaheen also announced today that she has been appointed to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and the Committee on Foreign Relations. Shaheen’s appointment to the Energy Committee was commended by Chair of the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, Tom Getz.

"Senator Shaheen’s appointment to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources provides a great opportunity for New Hampshire to influence energy policy at a critical time," said Getz. “As Governor, she issued New Hampshire’s first comprehensive energy plan, she worked to renovate and retrofit state buildings in order to increase energy efficiency, and she supported greater reliance on renewable energy.  I know she’ll work to protect New Hampshire ratepayers in the United States Senate."

Shaheen was joined at today’s swearing-in ceremony by her husband Billy, her three daughters, two of her grandchildren, and her two sons-in-law. She took the oath of office on the Bible that was used the first time she was sworn in as Governor of New Hampshire on January 9, 1997. She was escorted through the Senate Chamber by New Hampshire Senior Senator Judd Gregg.