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Washington, DC- Today, Senators Joe Lieberman (I-CT), John McCain (R-AZ) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the statement below on the unrest following the Russian elections:  

“We condemn the sweeping arrests of hundreds of opposition leaders, journalists, and human rights activists in Russia and the use of violence against peaceful protesters by Russian security forces. We call upon the Russian government to release all of the political prisoners it has unjustly detained and clarify the whereabouts and condition of those individuals in its custody. We express concern for the hundreds of men and women who have been arrested for exercising universally recognized freedoms, including Alexey Navalny, Boris Nemtsov, and Ilya Yashin.  The protests underway in Russia right now are in response to the blatant fraud that characterized Sunday's election in Russia, which, according to the independent international election observers, clearly violated international standards and Russia's own laws. The Russian people deserve a government of their choice that reflects their aspirations, and we are standing unambiguously with them in their struggle for a government that is worthy of them.”