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Today, U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) welcomed an announcement by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that New Hampshire will receive more than $1 million in fishery disaster relief to support New Hampshire’s fishing industry, which have been struggling under onerous federal catch limits. The $1,044,351 that was made available by NOAA this week, follows $2.3 million in fishery disaster funds released to New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Maine last month. The funds are part of a larger allocation of $32.8 million in federal fishery disaster funds for New England that Shaheen and Ayotte fought to secure.

“New Hampshire’s fishing industry has been struggling in recent years under onerous federal catch limits and these funds will provided much-needed help for our small-boat fleet,” said the Senators. “We will continue to work together to protect New Hampshire fishermen from overly burdensome federal regulations that make it harder for them to stay in business.”

Shaheen and Ayotte have been strong advocates on behalf of the New Hampshire fishing industry. In March, the Senators wrote to Office of Management and Budget Director Shaun Donovan urging prompt action on New Hampshire’s request for federal disaster funds. Shaheen and Ayotte have led bipartisan efforts to secure disaster relief for New Hampshire fishermen impacted by rigorous catch limit regulations and consequent economic losses.