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NEW: NH Delegation Announces Nearly $77 Million in CARES Act Funding for NH Health Care Providers

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Representatives Annie Kuster (NH-02) and Chris Pappas (NH-01) announced today that New Hampshire health care providers will receive $76,880,682 in federal funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Provider Relief Fund. The funding is part of $175 billion in health care provider grant appropriations allocated under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act and will allow Granite State health care providers to manage the health and financial challenges they face on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly as COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths continue to dramatically increase in New Hampshire. The New Hampshire delegation voted for the CARES Act and stood firm during negotiations to make sure additional funding was provided to health care providers and nursing home facilities. New Hampshire health care providers have now received more than $450 million from the Provider Relief Fund, as well as an additional $689 million in loans through the Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payments Program.

“New Hampshire’s health care providers are under tremendous strain from the immense health and financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations surge across the state, providers could be pushed past the breaking point if they do not receive the resources they need to keep their doors open and continue to serve their communities during this critical time,” said Senator Shaheen. “This federal funding could not come soon enough and will help providers grapple with the increased expenses and revenue shortfalls they are facing. Though I’m pleased these funds have been awarded, more is needed to help providers on the frontlines get through the difficult winter months ahead. Congress must act now to provide the urgent resources our health care providers need to save lives by passing our bipartisan, bicameral COVID-19 emergency relief legislation.”

“New Hampshire health care providers are facing unprecedented challenges as COVID-19 cases continue to rise in our state, with doctors and nurses working around the clock to save lives while putting their own health at risk. Our health care providers need additional support, and I am glad that they will receive this federal funding as part of the CARES Act,” said Senator Hassan. “As a member of the bipartisan Senate group negotiating COVID-19 relief, I am continuing to push to get a bill across the finish line before Christmas, including additional aid for health care providers.” 

“It’s crucial that Granite State health care providers are equipped with the resources and support they need to safely maintain operations and continue treating patients throughout the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” said Representative Kuster. “Even as we see the distribution of our first COVID-19 vaccines here in New Hampshire and across the country, our health care providers need assistance to continue serving our communities and ensure sufficient personal protective equipment and other resources are available as we head into the winter months. This funding is critical for our health care providers and I am committed to continuing working to get relief to where it is needed most.”

“Health care providers have been on the front lines responding to this pandemic and have been stretched thin in treating COVID-19 cases and bearing the cost of increased hospitalization,” said Representative Pappas. “This funding comes at a crucial time as providers continue to manage health and financial challenges caused by COVID-19 while ensuring they can continue to provide critical care to Granite Staters. I will continue working with our Congressional delegation to support the needs New Hampshire health care providers.”

Earlier this week, Shaheen and Hassan shared additional details for the two bipartisan, bicameral COVID-19 emergency relief bills. The Bipartisan COVID-19 Emergency Relief Act of 2020 would provide additional, urgently needed relief to American health care providers during this crisis. Shaheen and Hassan are part of a bicameral, bipartisan group of lawmakers that have been part of ongoing bipartisan talks over the past few weeks to deliver urgently needed COVID-19 emergency relief.

The congressional delegation fought to secure funding for health care providers, holding firm during negotiations of the CARES Act. In July, Shaheen, Hassan, Kuster and Pappas announced more than $6.1 million in COVID-19 relief for New Hampshire’s health care providers. In May, the delegation announced $1.4 million to boost New Hampshire hospitals’ readiness and response capabilities to COVID-19. Earlier that month, they announced $19.78 million in support through the CARES Act to help New Hampshire nursing facilities, followed by $11 million in August. In early April, the delegation announced that New Hampshire providers received $164.5 million from an initial installment of health care provider grants. They also announced $115.4 million in COVID-19 relief funds for rural hospitals and health care providers, as well as an additional $16 million for Granite State providers. The delegation has also called on the Trump administration to expeditiously award more grant dollars from the Provider Relief Fund established under the CARES Act and to update the methodology for distributing future awards from the CARES Act’s $175 billion Provider Relief Fund to prioritize nursing homes and long-term care facilities in states like New Hampshire that have lower COVID-19 infection rates, but face serious issues with the spread of COVID-19 and mortality rates among residents of nursing facilities.