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NH Delegation Announces $3.3M in Federal Funding for Urban Community Development & Affordable Housing on New Hampshire Seacoast

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Congresswomen Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01) and Annie Kuster (NH-02) announced $3,290,637 in federal grants for urban community development and affordable housing investments in New Hampshire from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These grants include a $3 million Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Grant for the state of New Hampshire and a $290,637 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for the city of Rochester. The grants will support efforts to expand affordable housing throughout New Hampshire and expand economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate income individuals, and support efforts to preserve and construct rental housing for extremely low-income families.

“These are critical resources that will help address the affordable housing shortage in New Hampshire and provide housing opportunities for families who are most vulnerable,” said Shaheen, who has advocated for this funding as a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee. “Every Granite Stater should have a safe and stable place to live, which makes this new allotment of federal funding for affordable housing development particularly encouraging. I’m very pleased to announce that these grants will invest in our cities, preserve and create affordable and rental housing, and ensure that every family can find a secure place to live.”

“Ensuring that all Granite Staters have access to safe and affordable housing is crucial to the well-being of our communities and the vitality of our economy,” said Hassan. “I am pleased to announce these federal grants, which will go toward providing affordable housing and expanding economic opportunity for low-income Granite Staters.”

“I am pleased to announce that the State of New Hampshire and the City of Rochester will be receiving substantial funding from the federal government to prevent homelessness, treat substance use disorder, and expand economic opportunity,” said Shea-Porter. “Rochester’s grant from the Community Development Block Grant Program will fund homeless shelters, rental assistance, opioid and other substance use disorder treatments, and expand economic opportunity by providing subsidized loans for small businesses. I am also happy that the State of New Hampshire will be getting substantial funding to help develop affordable rental housing units to address the acute housing shortage in our state. I will continue supporting these critical grant programs, which help provide our state and local governments with the resources they need to enable more Granite Staters to live healthy and productive lives.”

“Access to quality affordable housing is one of the greatest needs in communities throughout New Hampshire,” said Kuster. “I’m pleased that these resources will help to improve access to housing for low-income individuals and families. I’ll continue to advocate for resources to bolster economic opportunity and strengthen communities throughout the Granite State.”

HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development allocates federal funds through CDBG Grants to support local efforts to develop urban communities, provide decent housing, and expand economic opportunities. HTF grants will provide funding to developers to preserve, rehabilitate and construct housing, primarily for extremely low-income families.