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NH Delegation Announces Additional $7.6 Million to Help NH Families Save on Home Energy Bills

(Washington, DC) – To help more Granite Staters reduce their home energy costs, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) led the New Hampshire congressional delegation today in applauding the announcement that New Hampshire is getting an additional $7,657,621 through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which is a result of the Biden administration releasing $1 billion in LIHEAP aid to states nationwide. The administration’s announcement follows a letter sent by Shaheen, Hassan and a group of lawmakers last week urging the White House to swiftly make these critical dollars available.

LIHEAP is a federally funded program that helps low-income households with their home energy bills by providing payment and energy crisis assistance to pay for gas, electric and other methods customers use to heat their homes. This latest allocation brings New Hampshire’s fiscal year (FY) 2023 appropriation for LIHEAP up to $41.5 million so far this year. Shaheen, a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and a member of the Appropriations Committee that funds LIHEAP, supported significantly increased funding for the program in the FY 2023 government funding bill that has since been signed into law.

“Fuel assistance has been a crucial lifeline for Granite Staters over these winter months and amid tumultuous snowstorms. No family should be forced to choose between putting food on the table or heating their home, which is why I pushed the administration to swiftly release these LIHEAP dollars. I’m glad they responded quickly to our calls in Congress to do just that,” said Shaheen. “I urge the State to swiftly distribute the $7.6 million delivered to New Hampshire by the federal government to provide the support vulnerable households need. I’ve long fought for this program and will continue to advocate for robust LIHEAP funding, as well as additional tools to cut energy costs for Granite Staters and Americans across the nation.”

“As New Hampshire families continue to grapple with high energy prices during these cold winter months, it’s important that the administration heeded our bipartisan calls to quickly release critically needed funding for home energy assistance, including an additional $7.6 million to New Hampshire,” said Hassan. “I’ve worked across the aisle and with the New Hampshire Congressional Delegation to significantly increase funding for this program, and I’m glad that the latest installment is now coming to New Hampshire as we continue to work to lower costs for Granite Staters.”

“High energy costs are impacting families across New Hampshire – especially during the cold winter months,” said Kuster. “I was proud to help secure this LIHEAP funding for our state and am pleased to see these resources be distributed to provide relief for those most in need. I will continue fighting to lower costs across the board.”

“I’m pleased to see additional LIHEAP funding coming to New Hampshire this winter. Especially in our coldest months, this program is essential in keeping Granite Staters safe and warm,” said Pappas. “I’ll continue working to lower energy costs and ensure that vital programs such as LIHEAP are available and funded to serve our communities.”

LIHEAP is administered by states and accessed through local Community Action Agencies (CAP). Eligibility for LIHEAP is based on income, family size, and the availability of resources. Nationwide, an estimated 5.3 million households received assistance with heating and cooling costs through LIHEAP. The current number of certified LIHEAP households in New Hampshire is over 20,000, an increase of over 4,000 applications from the same time a year ago.

Senator Shaheen has consistently fought in the Senate to bolster funding for LIHEAP. On top of the $900 million in LIHEAP funds allocated through the CARES Act in 2020, Shaheen worked to secure $4.5 billion for LIHEAP in the American Rescue Plan that was signed into law in March 2021 and provided more than $35 million to New Hampshire. Senator Shaheen also used her role on Appropriations and as a lead negotiator for the bipartisan infrastructure law to push to increase LIHEAP funding for Granite State families, leading to the highest total of LIHEAP funding ever received in a 12-month period in New Hampshire history. Earlier this month, Shaheen joined a bipartisan group of Senators to call on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to swiftly release the remaining $1.5 billion in Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funding that Congress delivered in FY 2023.

Senator Hassan is working across the aisle to bring down energy costs for Granite Staters. Senator Hassan also led the New England delegation in calling on President Biden to lower energy costs by releasing oil from the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve. Senator Hassan successfully included in the Inflation Reduction Act her measure with Susan Collins (R-ME) to help lower energy costs for families and reduce carbon emissions by expanding and extending a tax credit for energy efficient home upgrades.

Granite Staters wishing to apply for LIHEAP may click here. A resource guide outlining specific residential energy credits, tax incentives and programs available to Granite Staters can be read here
