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NH Delegation Applauds $479,961 NOAA Grant for UNH to Bolster Coastal Resilience Research

(Manchester, NH) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee that funds the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Congressman Chris Pappas (NH-01) applauded the announcement that NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science has awarded a consortium led by the University of New Hampshire $479,961 to support new research on coastal resilience. Specifically, the research will evaluate how natural, man-made and restored coastal habitats can reduce effects of rising sea levels, flooding and storms on communities and infrastructure.

“Securing robust funding for NOAA’s climate and resilience research has never been as critical as it is today with increasingly extreme storms, rising sea levels, record-high temperatures and more – the effects of climate change are here. I prioritize these investments during the annual government funding process because this research is critical to inform our response to this existential threat,” said Senator Shaheen. “I’m excited, but not surprised, to see UNH helping to lead the charge on this research, which amplifies New Hampshire’s role as a base for premier academic and research institutions. As the fiscal year 2022 government funding process gets underway, I’ll continue to fight for additional federal investments to address climate change so we can keep Granite Staters, homes, communities and our environment safe.”

“Rising sea levels and extreme weather events pose a significant threat to the Seacoast economy and our way of life,” said Senator Hassan. “This federal grant will allow the University of New Hampshire to further its critical research on coastal resiliency, and I will continue to push for the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure package that includes provisions that I secured to significantly expand coastal resiliency funding.”

“We cannot ignore the impacts of climate change on our coastal communities. Identifying the ways our infrastructure will be impacted by severe storms sea-level rise will help us to improve resiliency,” said Congressman Chris Pappas. “I’m pleased the University of New Hampshire is receiving these funds in partnership with the Rockingham Planning Commission to expand their ongoing climate change research. We must fully understand the threats climate change poses so we can prepare for the future and protect our communities.”

Shaheen has historically secured federal funding during the annual government funding process for climate and resilience research through NOAA, including an additional $2 million for the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science that funded this grant in fiscal year (FY) 2021 government funding legislation that was signed into law.