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NH Delegation Honors Recipients of 2019 Congressional Law Enforcement Awards

(Concord, NH) –  The New Hampshire congressional delegation honored members of New Hampshire’s law enforcement community this evening for their exemplary service at the annual New Hampshire Congressional Law Enforcement Awards (NH-CLEA) ceremony in Concord. 

The New Hampshire Congressional Law Enforcement Awards were established in 1998. All New Hampshire law enforcement officers – whether they are serving full – or part-time – are eligible to be nominated for recognition from the New Hampshire congressional delegation. Awardees are selected by an independent committee of law enforcement officers comprised of current and retired federal, state, county, and local officials. The congressional delegation also paid tribute to the New Hampshire Police Association Pipes and Drums on its 25th anniversary, and presented the NHPA Pipes and Drums with a Congressional Record Statement submitted by Senator Shaheen on behalf of the congressional delegation in recognition of the group’s services for fallen men and women in uniform and their families. The New Hampshire-based police pipes and drum band performs at police memorials, as well as community events. 

“Whether it’s a resource officer at one of our high schools who is a mentor in our students’ lives or the first officer on the scene of a traffic accident, New Hampshire’s men and women in law enforcement go beyond the call of duty every day to keep our communities safe. I’m so glad we have the opportunity through these awards to recognize these heroes among us,” said Senator Shaheen. “I offer my sincerest congratulations and thanks to those honored tonight, to their families who also sacrifice so much on behalf of our community, and to our fallen officers who are no longer with us but whose service we will never forget.”

"New Hampshire's law enforcement officers serve with dedication and bravery -- and continually go above and beyond, putting their lives on the line and serving the public good," said Senator Hassan. "I am glad to join my colleagues in the New Hampshire congressional delegation to honor just some of the men and women -- whether in uniform or not -- who have demonstrated exemplary service to our communities. We are profoundly grateful for their efforts."? 

“Law enforcement officers put themselves in harm’s way every day to protect our communities,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “I’m proud to be a part of this ceremony honoring brave Granite Staters who have gone above and beyond to serve our communities and keep us safe. Congratulations to the men and women who have been recognized tonight – we are grateful for their exemplary service and dedication to the people of New Hampshire.”

“At a time when our public safety officials are being asked to serve under increasingly challenging circumstances, we have seen members of New Hampshire law enforcement answer this call with professionalism, selflessness, and always with the protection of the greater community in mind,” said Congressman Pappas. “It’s a privilege and honor to be able to join the delegation in recognizing the exemplary service of the individual we are honoring and celebrate the work of all members of the New Hampshire law enforcement community.”

Shaheen, Hassan, Kuster and Pappas honored the following law enforcement personnel with certificates of recognition on Friday:

Above and Beyond the Call of Duty

This award is for officers who put their lives in harm’s way to help others. The NH CLEA awards team recognizes that this is always a part of any officer’s duties but there are times when heroism and sacrifice in extreme circumstances needs to be recognized.

Officer James Ciulla

Nashua Police Department

Officer Shaun Mailloux

Nashua Police Department

Officer Greg Miller

Nashua Police Department

Detective Michael Lavallee

Manchester Police Department

Detective Scott Ardita

Manchester Police Department

Detective Joseph Lorenzo

Manchester Police Department

Detective Geoff Moore

Rochester Police Department

Officer Michael Lambert

Rochester Police Department

Trooper Haden Wilber

New Hampshire State Police

Trooper Nathanial Goodwin

New Hampshire State Police

Officer John Giarrusso

Seabrook Police Department


Dedication and Professionalism

This award was designed to honor law enforcement personnel that go beyond their normal duties in service to others.

Officer Scott Ciszek          

Nashua Police Department

Officer Colin Flanagan

Nashua Police Department

Officer Jeffery Page

Nashua Police Department

Officer Ian Therriault

Nashua Police Department

Officer Matthew Vincent

Nashua Police Department

Officer Kyle Ingersoll

Nashua Police Department

Officer Jonathan Turcotte

Nashua Police Department

Officer Nicolas Markarian

Nashua Police Department

Lieutenant Keith Dillon

Nashua Police Department

Detective Justin L. Breton

Manchester Police Department

Conservation Officer Gregory Jellison

New Hampshire Fish and Game

Conservation Officer Kevin Bronson

New Hampshire Fish and Game

Officer Kristen Guest

Alton Police Department


Career Service

This award recognizes an individual(s) that has, over the course of their careers, show an outstanding dedication to law enforcement.

Commissioner John Barthelmes (Ret.)

New Hampshire Department of Safety

Chief David Goldstein

Franklin Police Department


Associate Service

The committee recognized the fact that rescue or fire personnel and civilians have come to the assistance of law enforcement personnel in the course of their duties, at times putting their own lives in harm’s way, and deserved recognition for their help by the law enforcement community.

Civilian Reserve Volunteer James Hargraves

Deering Police Department

Shaun Murray


Jessica Murray


Matthew Tomaszewski


Lifeguard Patrick Murphy


Lifeguard Hans Morris


Joshua Eaves