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On Equal Pay Day, Shaheen Renews Call for Passage of Paycheck Fairness Act

**Points to the pay gap for working mothers who are the sole bread winners for their families** 

**Also highlights the pay discrimination against the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team** 

(Washington, DC) – This afternoon on Equal Pay Day, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) took to the Senate floor to renew her call for passage of the Paycheck Fairness Act, legislation that would address the gender pay gap that continues to put female workers and their families at an economic disadvantage. Shaheen has been vocal about the need to address the gender pay gap, which leaves New Hampshire women, who make up nearly half of the state’s working population, earning just 76 cents on the dollar compared to their male counter parts.

“The American people believe very strongly in fairness, equal treatment, and a level playing field for everyone,” said Shaheen on the Senate floor. “These are core American values.  And that’s why people find it shocking and unacceptable that women in the United States continue to be denied equal pay for equal work.”

“The wage gap is really damaging to the 40 percent of American women who are the sole or primary breadwinner in households with children. For these women, equal pay is not only about fairness, it’s also about providing adequately for their families,” Shaheen continued. “That’s why I strongly support the Paycheck Fairness Act because this legislation would empower women to negotiate for equal pay… This legislation is about basic fairness, it’s about equal treatment.  It is about creating a level playing field in the workplace for our daughters and granddaughters, and for every American.”

Shaheen is an original cosponsor of the Paycheck Fairness Act and cosponsored the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which was signed into law six years ago. The Paycheck Fairness Act would empower women to negotiate for equal pay benefiting the more than 190,000 children in New Hampshire who live in households dependent on their mother’s income. Shaheen also noted that members of the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team are paid a quarter of the players on the men’s team despite generating more revenue.

Shaheen’s full remarks can viewed here