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On Senate Floor, Shaheen Cites Deep Concerns with Sessions’ Record, Says “Senate Should Not Confirm Him”

**Shaheen voiced her concerns with Sessions’ record on voting rights, civil rights, women’s equality, LGBT rights, and immigration”**

**SHAHEEN: “We need an Attorney General who will not only insist on equal enforcement of the laws, but who has a passion for pursuing justice and fairness for all Americans, as well as for those who want to visit or immigrate to our country.  In my view, Senator Sessions has failed to demonstrate that commitment.” **

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 (Washington, DC) — U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) spoke on the Senate floor today in opposition of President Trump’s nominee for U.S. Attorney General, Senator Jeff Sessions. Shaheen cited her concerns over Sessions’ record on “voting rights to civil rights to equality for women, minorities, the LGBTQ community, and people with disabilities.” She continued, “the Senate should not confirm him to serve as U.S. Attorney General.”

“At this time in our history, with the growing concern about this administration’s commitment to basic democratic principles such as equality before the law, separation of powers, freedom of the press, and protection of minority views, I cannot support a nominee who has failed to demonstrate appreciation for these ideals…” said Senator Shaheen.

In her speech, Shaheen drew attention to Sessions’ support for voter ID laws and President Trump’s false claim that he lost the popular vote because of undocumented immigrants. “Throughout our history, this type of argument, not grounded in facts and data, has been used as a pretext for advancing new voter ID laws, including at the national level,” she stated. “As Attorney General, Senator Sessions would enthusiastically support this agenda.”

Shaheen also cited her deep concerns over Sessions’ record on: women’s health, citing his opposition to the bipartisan 2013 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act and his outspoken comments opposing Roe v. Wade; racial inequality, drawing attention to Sessions’ assertion that “racism in the United States has been effectively addressed and, therefore, diversity programs unfairly discriminate against white Americans”; and LGBT rights, when he voted against a measure to prohibit discrimination in the workplace based on sexual orientation or gender identity

Shaheen also referred to the “outside the mainstream” immigration views that Sessions has expressed. “Most Americans want fair, humane treatment for would-be immigrants to the United States as well as undocumented immigrants who are already here. Senator Sessions has amply demonstrated that he does not agree with this view.”

“We need an Attorney General who will not only insist on equal enforcement of the laws, but who has a passion for pursuing justice and fairness for all Americans, as well as for those who want to visit or immigrate to our country.  In my view, Senator Sessions has failed to demonstrate that commitment. Indeed, I fear that, as Attorney General, he would affirm and encourage President Trump’s most troubling tendencies, especially with regard to minorities, women, and immigrants. Senator Sessions is the wrong person for the critically important post of United States Attorney General.  I will vote against his confirmation.”