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On Senate Floor, Shaheen Says OMB Nominee Mick Mulvaney’s Views Are ‘Far Outside the Mainstream’

**Shaheen voiced her concern for Mulvaney’s record of questioning federal funding for scientific research and his “reckless willingness” to shut down the government**

 ** SHAHEEN: Representative Mulvaney “advocates taking a meat ax to the whole range of programs that bolster the middle class, everything from cancer research to Pell Grants to health care.” **

(Washington, DC) — U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) spoke on the Senate floor today in opposition of Representative Mick Mulvaney, President Trump’s nominee for Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Shaheen cited her deep concerns on Mulvaney record on a range of issues including “his repeated votes against raising the debt ceiling, and his reckless willingness to shut down the government in order to advance his extreme views.” Shaheen will vote ‘no’ on Mulvaney’s confirmation.

Shaheen drew attention to Mulvaney’s record of leading the charge to shut down the federal government in 2013 in an attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act and his threats to do the same in 2015 to defund Planned Parenthood. “His brand of government by temper tantrum is reckless and irresponsible,” said Shaheen. “And it should not be rewarded.”

Shaheen went on to cite Mulvaney’s questioning of federal funding for scientific research. “It is truly shocking that the President has nominated a budget director who questions the value of federal funding for research and development. We need to invest in science. We need to invest in our small businesses, which create two out of three jobs in this economy.” High-tech manufacturing and innovation is “the most dynamic sector of [New Hampshire’s] economy,” she said. Shaheen cited the work that Hanover, NH-based Creare is doing with the Navy, through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, to develop an innovative dryer that dramatically reduces the risk of fires on submarines. Of the SBIR program, Shaheen said, “Make no mistake, this successful program is in serious jeopardy if Representative Mulvaney puts federal R&D investments on the chopping block.”

“Representative Mulvaney has been a zealous advocate for radical cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and a whole range of programs that support the middle class in this country,” Shaheen said. “After careful study of his record, I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to come together to reject this nominee. Let’s give President Trump the opportunity to put forward a qualified candidate with mainstream views on protecting the middle class and honoring our nation’s financial obligations.”