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On Senate Floor, Shaheen Shares Stories of Granite Staters Who Would Be Hurt by Republican Leadership’s Healthcare Repeal Bill

**SHAHEEN: “I appeal to Republican leaders to stop and reconsider what they are doing… I ask them to listen to the stories and look at the faces of everyday Americans whose lives would be devastated by this legislation.”**

Watch a clip from Sen. Shaheen's remarks here

(Washington DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) spoke on the Senate floor in opposition to the Senate Republican leadership’s healthcare repeal bill that was released earlier in the day after weeks of secret negotiations. Shaheen highlighted the bill’s many cuts and policies that would be devastating to the health of Granite Staters, including its cuts to Medicaid expansion, its age tax on New Hampshire seniors, and its defunding of Planned Parenthood. “For ordinary people in New Hampshire and across America, repealing the Affordable Care Act isn’t about politics. For so many of them, it’s about life and death. We need to listen to these ordinary people in each of our states whose lives and financial situations would be turned upside down if the Affordable Care Act is repealed.”

Shaheen went on to read stories from Deodonne and Bodhi Bhattari of Concord, the McCabe family from Kingston, Dr. Marie Ramas from Nashua, Steve Roll from Keene, David Lucier from Claremont, and Maura Fay of Exeter, all of whom wrote to Sen. Shaheen about why the Affordable Care Act is vital to protecting their health.

Shaheen urged her Senate colleagues to “work together to strengthen the parts of the Affordable Care Act that are working in the real world, including Medicaid expansion, and to fix what’s not working. This is what the great majority of the American people what us to do. It’s time, now, to respect their wishes.  Let’s strengthen the Affordable Care Act so it works even better for all Americans.”