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On Senate Floor, Shaheen Speaks Out Against Republican Leadership’s Healthcare Repeal Efforts

**SHAHEEN: “A partisan bill to take health insurance away from tens of millions of Americans, written behind closed doors, opposed by every stakeholder group and by an overwhelming majority of the American people, should not pass in the Senate”**

Watch a clip from Sen. Shaheen’s remarks here

(Washington DC) – Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) spoke on the Senate floor in opposition to the Senate Republican leadership’s healthcare repeal legislation. Shaheen stressed that the Republican leadership’s efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act would take health insurance from thousands of Granite Staters, is opposed by an overwhelming majority of stakeholder groups, and has been done without any public input from the American people. “Make no mistake, every bill proposed by the Republican leadership has been designed as a bullet to the heart of the Affordable Care Act. Republican proposals will collapse the individual marketplaces, make it impossible to provide affordable coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, and take health coverage away from up to 32 million Americans, including the most vulnerable.”

Shaheen also highlighted Senator John McCain’s recent floor remarks calling for bipartisanship saying, “We need to work together to build on the strengths of the Affordable Care Act, which has dramatically reduced the number of uninsured Americans and has given us valuable tools for fighting the opioid epidemic, which is ravishing so many communities in America. This is the best way forward for both the Senate and our country.”

Shaheen urged her Senate colleagues to listen “to the great majority of our constituents... Instead of legislation to take healthcare away from people, it’s time for an inclusive, bipartisan approach to provide quality, affordable healthcare for every American.”