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Ranking Member Shaheen Statement on Anniversary of the Downing of Flight MH17

U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Subcommittee on European Affairs, released the following statement on the one-year anniversary of the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17:

“Today, it is important that we remember the 298 innocent lives that were lost one year ago when Flight MH17 was shot down over Ukrainian territory controlled by Russian-backed separatists. I continue to support the work of the Joint Investigative Team and the Dutch Safety Board to gather evidence so that the perpetrators of this crime can be identified and held accountable.

“This is also an important opportunity to recognize Ukraine’s on-going fight against Russian aggression, which has claimed more than 6,500 lives since last year. We must continue to work with our European partners to uphold international ideals, governing sovereignty and self-determination in Ukraine and the Baltics. Ukraine’s fight must be our fight.”