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Shaheen on Senate Floor Calls for Resources for NH and the Country to Respond to Zika Virus

**Cites her roundtable discussion in Concord where she heard from local health officials about the need for resources**

**Calls Zika threat “a pending public health emergency”**

(Washington, DC)—This afternoon on the Senate floor, Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) called for additional resources to respond to the Zika virus in New Hampshire and across the country, calling the virus “a pending public health emergency.” Her remarks follow a roundtable she hosted with top New Hampshire health officials in Concord to learn how New Hampshire state agencies and hospitals are preparing for the spread of Zika.

Shaheen has called for a coordinated federal response to address the Zika virus and earlier this year questioned top U.S. health officials at a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor Health and Human Services and Education on plans to address the virus.

Senator Shaheen’s full speech can be watched here