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Resolution calls for unconditional release of all hostages held by ISIS

(Washington, DC) – On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate unanimously approved a bipartisan resolution honoring the lives of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff who were brutally murdered by the terrorist organization known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The resolution, which strongly condemns ISIS, is sponsored by U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Bill Nelson (D-FL), Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ). The bipartisan resolution recognizes the significant contributions Foley and Sotloff made “through their courageous reporting of events in Libya, Syria and elsewhere,” and calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by ISIS.

“Our resolution mourns James and Steven, two outstanding journalists who pursued their profession under the most difficult and dangerous conditions in order to tell the stories that needed to be told,” Senator Shaheen said. “We will never forget their bravery, and we must hold ISIS accountable for their despicable and cowardly acts of terrorism. The terrorists who murdered James and Steven are deeply mistaken if they think their barbaric acts will lessen America’s resolve.”

“James and Steven bravely risked their lives to reveal the truth about the tragedy in Syria, and this resolution honors their memory and the legacy of their life’s work,” Senator Ayotte said. “We must bring the terrorists responsible for these brutal murders to justice, and implement a strategy to defeat ISIS.”

“It’s important that we remember these individuals who lost their lives while fulfilling their calling to keep free societies informed of the threat of barbaric groups like ISIS,” Senator Nelson said.

“Americans will never forget James Foley and Steven Sotloff, the lives they led as successful journalists, and how loved they were by their families and friends,” Senator Rubio said. “Now that the U.S. Senate has honored these brave men, we must move forward with resolve to protect the American people from suffering a similar fate at the hands of these evil extremists.”

“It is with a heavy heart and firm resolve that we pass this resolution mourning the loss of James Foley and Steve Sotloff at the hands of a barbaric, terrorist group,” Senator Menendez said. “ISIL must be defeated, and I pledge to the Foley and Sotloff families that I will continue to lead my Committee and work with my colleagues in Congress to implement and resource a strategy to defeat ISIL for good.

The full text of the resolution is available here