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Senator Shaheen Joins Senate Filibuster Calling for Common-Sense Reforms to Prevent Gun Violence

** Shaheen: Tears are not enough.  Expressions of outrage are not enough.**

**It is inconceivable that Congress would fail to act in the wake of the Orlando tragedy.**

You can watch Senator Shaheen’s full remarks here. 

(Washington, DC) – This afternoon, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) joined Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) and many of her other Democratic colleagues in a filibuster to urge bipartisan reforms in the Senate to prevent gun violence. The renewed calls come after the deadliest mass shooting in our nation’s history, when a gunman took 49 innocent lives at a nightclub in Orlando. Shaheen called on Congress to work together to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous terrorists and criminals.  

“Americans have come together as a united family to grieve for the dead and comfort those left behind,” said Shaheen. “But we haven’t come together to do anything to stop the next shooting, to prevent the next series of funerals, to prevent future devastation… Let’s be clear:  Tears are not enough. Expressions of outrage are not enough.  After Columbine and Virginia Tech and Aurora and Newtown and Charleston and San Bernardino and so many shootings that have happened with numbing regularity, moments of silence and expressions of sympathy are just not enough. This Senate and this Congress needs to pass common-sense gun safety legislation… It is inconceivable that Congress would fail to act in the wake of the Orlando tragedy.”

You can watch Senator Shaheen’s remarks here