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Senators Shaheen, Hassan Cosponsor Legislation to Overturn President Trump’s Expansion of Junk Health Insurance Plans

*Trump’s Junk Insurance Plans Not Required to Provide Health Care Coverage for People with Pre-Existing Conditions* 

WASHINGTON – Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) yesterday joined the entire Democratic caucus in cosponsoring the No Junk Plans Act to overturn President Trump’s expansion of junk health insurance plans that do not have to provide health care coverage for Granite Staters and Americans with pre-existing conditions. Companion legislation passed the House of Representatives last week.

“Junk insurance plans increase costs for Granite Staters and sabotage critical protections for patients with pre-existing conditions, while offering little in the way of actual health coverage,” said Senator Shaheen. “We cannot sit idly by while the Trump Administration destabilizes health insurance markets and restricts access to quality, affordable health care. I will continue my efforts to build a consensus around this common-sense legislation.”

“These junk insurance plans are a threat to the health and well-being of hard-working Granite Staters and Americans, undermining critical protections for people with pre-existing conditions like cancer, diabetes, or asthma,” Senator Hassan said. “I am proud to support this legislation, and I will keep standing up against the Trump Administration’s harmful efforts to raise health care costs, strip vital health care coverage away from millions of Americans, and destabilize health insurance markets.”

Last October, Senators Shaheen and Hassan voted to overturn the Trump Administration’s expansion of junk insurance plans. In addition, Senators Shaheen and Hassan joined with 45 other colleagues last year calling on the Trump Administration to halt expansion of these health insurance plans. Senator Shaheen has also introduced the Protecting Americans with Pre-existing Conditions Act, legislation that would prevent the Trump Administration from promoting “junk” health care plans that lack protections for people with pre-existing conditions and would increase costs for millions of Americans.