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Shaheen Addresses NH Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence

Group Receives $3,000 Grant for Raising Funds to Support Domestic Violence Survivors

(Concord, NH) – This morning, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) spoke to staff of the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence to congratulate the organization on receiving a $3,000 grant from the Allstate Foundation.

“Financial independence is essential for so many survivors of domestic violence – a lack of financial resources is the top reason survivors stay or return to an abusive relationship,” said Shaheen. “This grant is a recognition of the outstanding work the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence is doing every day to help free those in abusive relationships.” 

The New Hampshire group received the grant for raising $40,000 to support domestic violence survivors through Allstate Foundation’s Purple Purse Challenge, a public awareness and fundraising campaign aimed at creating long-term safety and security for survivors. More than 160 nonprofits from across the country raised funds during the challenge, and NH Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence was among the top 20 fundraisers.

Senator Shaheen has been a leader in the Senate for protecting the rights of domestic and sexual violence survivors. Last year, her measure to allow survivors of human trafficking to clear their records of crimes they were forced to commit as a result of being trafficked was signed into law.  She was also led efforts to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act and worked to secure a record level of funding for the bill as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee.