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Shaheen Addresses SCOTUS Vacancy on the Senate Floor: “Let’s do the job we were sent here to do by the American people”

Also calls on her colleagues in the Senate to “follow the Constitution” and “respect our oath of office”

You can watch Senator Shaheen’s speech here 

(Washington, DC) – This afternoon, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) took to the Senate floor to respond to the refusal by the Senate Majority to hold a hearing on any Supreme Court nominee put forward by the President. Shaheen noted in her speech, the long bipartisan tradition of considering Supreme Court nominees during election years. She also called on her colleagues Senators to stick to their oath of office:

“Our oath does not say: uphold the Constitution ‘most of the time’ or ‘only when it’s not a Presidential election year.’”

“The American people expect Senators to be faithful to our oath. They also expect us to do our jobs – regardless of whether it is an election year."

“Let’s respect our oath of office. Let’s do the job we were sent here to do by the American people. Let’s follow the Constitution.”

You can watch Senator Shaheen’s full remarks here