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President of Creare, Inc. of Hanover spoke at today’s roundtable in support of a small business program that awards grants to NH small businesses

(Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen today discussed how best to reauthorize and strengthen a key program that supports small businesses involved in research and development during a U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship roundtable where James J. Barry, President of Creare Incorporated in Hanover, spoke on the importance of the program in supporting businesses like his. The program, called the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, is administered by the U.S. Small Business Administration and ensures that a percentage of all federal research and development funding goes to small businesses. Over 1,000 SBIR awards have been won by New Hampshire small businesses since the program began.

"Small businesses across New Hampshire are on the cutting edge of research and development, and the SBIR program is a crucial part of supporting these small businesses and ensuring America continues to lead the way in technological and scientific innovation," said Shaheen. "Creare, Inc. is a great success story for the SBIR program, and I'm glad James Barry joined us today to give us his first-hand perspective on why this program is so important."

"The SBIR Program has been a tremendous help to our company and various small businesses throughout the country," said Barry. "It is important that Congress reauthorize this critical program at a time when many small businesses face economic uncertainty. Our New Hampshire and Vermont delegations have been working hard to assure the voice of small businesses is heard." 

Across America, small businesses employ approximately one-third of the nation's scientists and engineers and produce more patents than large businesses and universities. Yet small businesses receive only about 4 percent of federal research and development dollars. Eleven federal departments participate in the SBIR program, ensuring that the nation's small businesses are a significant part of the federal government's research and development efforts. Current legislation authorizes the SBIR program only through July 31 of this year, and the Senate is considering reauthorizing and strengthening the program.

Founded in 1961, Creare is a small independent engineering research and development business that has grown to employ over 100 researchers and staff members. Innovations from Creare have led to the establishment of several spin-off product businesses that presently employ over 2,000 people, many as a direct result of the SBIR program. Creare worked with then-Senator Warren Rudman to help create the SBIR program and has benefitted from the program since its inception in 1982.