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Shaheen & Tillis – Senate NATO Observer Group Co-Chairs – Laud Greece’s Vote Recognizing the Republic of North Macedonia

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Thom Tillis (R-NC), co-chairs of the Senate North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Observer Group, issued the following joint statement in response to the Greek parliament’s vote ratifying the Prespes Agreement, which recognizes the renamed Republic of North Macedonia. The agreement ends a 27-year dispute between the nations and will allow The Republic of North Macedonia to be included in the next NATO enlargement round and join the transatlantic alliance.

“Greece’s vote to ratify and recognize The Republic of North Macedonia is a significant step toward securing peace and prosperity in the region, and will have broader implications by opening the door to the Euro-Atlantic integration of the Balkans,” said Shaheen and Tillis. “Finding compromise and ending this dispute through diplomacy and peace should be an example to the entire region, and to the global community.”