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(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) announced today that New Hampshire has been awarded two competitive Department of Justice (DOJ) grants totaling $1,235,141 to support improvements to the state’s criminal justice systems.  The New Hampshire Department of Justice (NHDOJ) will receive $985,141 to help develop an electronic crime victim notification process and Hillsborough County will receive $250,000 to improve its handling of criminal offenders suffering from mental illness.

“The public safety of our state’s citizens depends heavily on the soundness of our criminal justice systems,” Shaheen said.  “Ensuring crime victims are kept abreast of developments concerning their cases and helping mentally ill offenders receive proper treatment are two valuable improvements to New Hampshire’s criminal justice systems that will help make them stronger and more effective.”

NHDOJ will use its award to expand the capabilities of its J-ONE statewide criminal justice information system through the development of a victim notification process as part of that electronic framework. 

“Keeping victims informed is a vital part of any prosecution,” said New Hampshire Attorney General Michael Delaney.  “These grant funds will help us create a system to make that process even better.  Our goal is to develop a comprehensive automated system within J-ONE that will allow for seamless victim notification as part of our overall support for victims’ rights.”

Hillsborough County will use its award to complete an already-initiated collaboration plan for its criminal justice and mental health systems to improve its response to offenders with mental illness and increase access to treatment for them.