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Funding to benefit ongoing monitoring of the River from Manchester to Plymouth

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(Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen announced today that her request for funding to boost conservation efforts of the Merrimack River has been approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee. Shaheen worked to secure the $200,000 in funding, which will assist the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as they investigate existing pollutants in the River and the changes needed to attain water quality standards in the Merrimack River from Manchester to the headwaters north of Plymouth.  The bill will now go to the Senate floor for final passage.


“Ensuring the long-term water quality of the Merrimack River is critical to the environmental health of the state and to economic development for communities along the river,” said Shaheen. “Conservation and research efforts like this one allow us to balance preservation of the state’s natural resources with thoughtful planning for future development of riverside communities.”


 “The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and the Merrimack River watershed communities are working closely with the Corps of Engineers to develop a comprehensive model for managing flow and preserving water quality on the Merrimack River,” said Thomas Burack, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Commissioner.  “This appropriation will serve to advance this effort to protect and preserve this critical water resource for New Hampshire’s future.”


The funding was approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee as part of the Fiscal Year 2010 Energy and Water Appropriations bill, which includes $3,450,000 for New Hampshire projects.