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(Washington, DC)-U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen today announced that her request to upgrade portions of Lower Main Street in Claremont have been approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee. Shaheen secured $500,000 to upgrade sidewalks and road surfaces in the historic Millyard. The legislation will now go to the full Senate for final passage.

"These much needed upgrades will draw more foot traffic to Claremont's business district and Millyard," said Shaheen. "This is the type of investment needed to encourage tourism along the Sugar River, and to help local businesses through these difficult economic times."

"We appreciate the work Senator Shaheen has done to get these funds," said Ed Tinker, director of planning and development for the City of Claremont. "Lower Main Street is one of the main entrances to the city, and it is central to economic development and connecting to the revitalized mill area."

The Lower Main Street Project addresses antiquated infrastructure by upgrading sidewalk and road surfaces along a major route into the city and along the Sugar River. These renovations will improve access to the downtown commercial sector and the emerging business area within the historic Millyard.

The funding was approved by the Appropriations Committee as part of the Fiscal Year 2010 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, which includes $3.5 million for projects in New Hampshire.