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(Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen today announced that her request for assistance to improve and refurbish downtown Claremont has been approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee.  Shaheen secured $500,000 for the project, which will help promote business in Claremont and make downtown more accessible to seniors and individuals with disabilities. These funds were included in the Fiscal Year 2011 Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development Appropriations bill, which is now ready for consideration by the full Senate. 

"These improvements are great news for downtown Claremont," said Shaheen.  "After years of wear and tear, this assistance will make the city safer and more accessible, which will help Claremont's small businesses and bring jobs back downtown."     

"We appreciate Senator Shaheen and her staff for their on-going support to revitalize the City Center," said Claremont City Manager Guy Santagate.  "At the local level, very few things get done without partners at the state and federal level, and Senator Shaheen has been consistent in her support of our efforts." 

This project will reconstruct roadways and sidewalks in downtown Claremont, which will support the revitalization of the downtown commercial shopping district by encouraging more pedestrian activity.  The construction will also allow seniors and individuals with physical disabilities to access to the downtown by making the streets ADA compliant.