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(Washington, DC) –U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) announced today that three New Hampshire recipients will be awarded grants to implement renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in their operations.

“Energy efficiency is a quick, affordable way for businesses to cut costs and create jobs. I am pleased to see people in New Hampshire taking advantage of these grants and I remain committed to encouraging more New Hampshire businesses to apply,” said Shaheen, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, who recently introduced bipartisan energy efficiency legislation, the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2011.

The grants are being provided through the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). REAP offers funds for farmers, ranchers, and rural small businesses to purchase and install renewable energy systems and make energy-efficiency improvements.  These federal funds leverage other funding sources for small businesses.

Main Street Properties of Warner, LLC, located in Warner, NH will use an $18,625 grant to install an 11.25kw photovoltaic system that will generate solar electricity for their real estate management business.  The pole mounted solar system will offset 65 percent of its annual energy consumption.

Scenic Nursery & Landscaping, Inc will use its $16,500 grant to install a 10kw photovoltaic solar system, which is expected to generate 14,296 kHw of electricity. As a result, this project will significantly reduce the company’s reliance on fossil fuel-based electricity and will help to retain eight jobs.

“In this challenging economic environment we need all the assistance we can get and this installation will help to significantly reduce our costs,” said Glenn Caron, the owner of Scenic Nursery & Landscaping. 

Larry Moore of Loudon, NH, was selected to receive an $5,862 grant to make energy-efficiency improvements to his maple sugaring operations, including the installation of an in series 2000 gph reverse osmosis system which is designed to increase energy efficiency by removing water from the sap prior to boiling. In 2001 Shaheen tapped a tree on his farm for the start of sugaring season.

“It is very valuable for us to have access to a grant like this.  We are full time farmers and this grant will help us to continue our maple production, which is the biggest part of our business,” said Moore.

Funding of each award is contingent upon the recipient meeting the conditions of the grant agreement. Grants can finance up to 25 percent of a project's cost, not to exceed $500,000 for renewables, $250,000 for efficiency.  For a complete listing of Rural Energy for America Program grant recipients announced today, please click here.

Shaheen’s Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2011 was passed by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources with strong support from both parties. Introduced with Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio), the bill would establish a national energy efficiency strategy and promote the use of energy efficient technologies. It has garnered support from a wide range of businesses, trade associations, and efficiency advocates.