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Shaheen Applauds Election Security Funding for New Hampshire

**$3.1 million will be made available to help New Hampshire make security improvements**

(Washington, DC)—Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, applauded the allocation of federal funding to assist New Hampshire with election security improvements. The funding, announced by the Election Assistance Commission, is made available through the recently enacted omnibus government funding legislation that Senator Shaheen helped negotiate:

“We know that there are continued efforts by adversaries to undermine trust in our elections and it’s important that New Hampshire joins states across the country in bolstering our election infrastructure,” said Shaheen. “I’m very pleased that the funding approved in the recent government funding bill is being quickly allocated to New Hampshire and other states, and I know that these resources will be put to good use. Additional security improvements will help ensure that Granite Staters continue to have faith in our electoral system.”

These funds will be used by states to purchase more secure voting systems, implement a post-election audit to ensure confidence in the vote, and address election systems’ cyber vulnerabilities. Senator Shaheen has been outspoken on the need to bolster election security, particularly in preparation for the 2018 midterm elections. Senator Shaheen has led efforts in Congress to hold Russia accountable for its interference in the 2016 US elections and for its continued aggression against Western democracies. Shaheen has been an outspoken critic of President Putin’s authoritarian regime and was the first in Congress to call for hearings on Russian interference in September 2016. She was a key negotiator on the initial version of the Russian sanctions legislation that passed the Senate in June 2017, and was recently blacklisted by the Russian government, in part, because of her strong support for Russian sanctions.