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Senate Youth Program brings students to D.C. to witness federal government in action

(Washington, DC) –Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) invites high school juniors and seniors interested in learning about how government works to apply for the United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP), which will bring student leaders to Washington for the program’s 50th Anniversary Washington Week.

Each year, the USSYP selects two student officers from each state and the District of Columbia to travel to Washington for an intensive week-long educational program about how the Senate and federal government work. In addition to the all-expenses paid trip to Washington, students will also receive a $5,000 undergraduate scholarship. USSYP is sponsored by the Senate and fully funded by The Hearst Foundations.

“I’m always glad to see students visit the Senate and witness firsthand the legislative process and the excitement of Washington,” Shaheen said. “As a former school teacher and mother of three, I believe it is important for America’s young people to be involved in deciding the future of our country, which they will one day lead.”

During the week of March 3-10, 2012, the student delegates will visit Capitol Hill, the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, the Supreme Court, and other historic sites in Washington. They will meet with Senators, cabinet officers, government leaders and policy-makers.

To be selected, delegates must be juniors or seniors, must be elected student officers for the 2011-2012 academic year, and must reside in the state where they attend school. Applications can be obtained from high school principals, guidance counselors or at the New Hampshire contact listed below. Applications are due by October 14, 2011. Interested students in New Hampshire should contact their high school principals, the New Hampshire state contact, or visit  for more information.

NH contact:
Mrs. Lori J. Temple
Public Information Officer
101 Pleasant St
Concord, NH  03301
Ph. (603) 271-6646