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Shaheen, Ayotte & Hassan Announce Award of Bio Research & Manufacturing Institute That Will be Based in Manchester

**$80 million federal award will be led by a coalition that includes DEKA, UNH and Dartmouth-Hitchcock**

**SHAHEEN, AYOTTE & HASSAN: “This is a monumental investment in the future of New Hampshire, and further establishes this region as a hub for scientific research and development”**

(Manchester, NH)—This afternoon, U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Governor Maggie Hassan (D-NH), announced an award of $80 million over five years from the Department of Defense to establish a bio research and manufacturing institute in Manchester that will be led by a coalition that includes DEKA Research & Development Corporation (DEKA), the University of New Hampshire and Dartmouth-Hitchcock. This institute will be tasked with developing and bio-manufacturing tissues and organs that can be transplanted into patients, particularly injured American service members. Shaheen, Ayotte and Hassan were strong supporters of locating this institute in Manchester and contacted the Department of Defense in support of the coalition’s bid.

“This is a monumental investment in the future of New Hampshire, and further establishes this region as a hub for scientific research and development,” said Shaheen, Ayotte and Hassan. “This award will bring good jobs to Manchester, complementing our region’s emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education. This is a very exciting opportunity for our state’s college graduates to work on the cutting edge of biomedical research. This is an immense and critically important mission, and we have full faith in this esteemed coalition as they take on this research that will save lives on the battlefield as well as here at home.”  

In July, Shaheen, Ayotte and Hassan sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter to make the case for bringing this institute to Manchester.

Their letter reads in part, “Locating this program in Manchester is a logical next-step for a city with a long history of innovation, strong public-private partnerships and a robust pipeline of students educated in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.” The letter continues. “Just as they are populating the start-ups and companies inside Manchester, these young graduates could form the core of the Advanced Tissue Biofabrication Manufacturing Innovation Institute and help lead its exciting and groundbreaking work. We strongly support this application for hosting ATB-MII and urge your serious consideration of its proposal.”