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Release of funds will benefit low-income New Hampshire families and seniors who need assistance with energy costs during winter months

U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) today announced the release of more than $23 million for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) in New Hampshire from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The announcement follows Shaheen and Ayotte’s recent request to HHS to quickly release funding for the federal home heating aid program. This initial LIHEAP release will help New Hampshire’s low-income families and seniors with their home heating bills this coming winter.

“LIHEAP provides an indispensable lifeline for low-income families and seniors in New Hampshire during the cold winter months, and we are pleased HHS has acted quickly,” Shaheen and Ayotte said. “October marks the start of the home heating season, and this preliminary release of funds will help protect Granite Staters who need assistance from being forced to choose between paying to heat their homes or for necessities like food and medicine.”

In recent years, record numbers of Americans have applied for home heating assistance. Currently, however, the number of households eligible for LIHEAP continues to surpass those able to receive assistance. Shaheen and Ayotte have been strong supporters of the LIHEAP program and earlier this year, called on Senate appropriators to provide sufficient funding for the program.