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Reports: Sudanese Court to Release Woman on Death Row for Apostasy

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) today welcomed reports that the Sudanese Court of Appeals has announced it intends to release Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag from prison. Ibrahim is the mother of two young children and married to Daniel Wani – a man originally from Sudan, now a U.S. citizen living in Manchester, New Hampshire. Ibrahim was jailed and sentenced to death by hanging for her Christian faith.

“Meriam’s imprisonment and death sentence for exercising her fundamental right of religious freedom was deplorable and a gross violation of basic human rights,” Shaheen and Ayotte said. “We welcome today’s reports and we are hopeful that the Sudanese government will follow through on its announcement as quickly as possible. We will continue to work closely with Mr. Wani to help ensure that Ms. Ibrahim and her children are brought quickly and safely to the United States.”

Shaheen’s and Ayotte’s offices have worked closely with the Department of Homeland Security and State Department on behalf of Mr. Wani. Earlier this month, they introduced a bipartisan bill that would encourage the release of Ibrahim and her children, and they helped introduce a bipartisan resolution – passed unanimously by the Senate – condemning Ibrahim’s death sentence and urging her and her children’s immediate release.