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At BAE in Nashua Shaheen Urges Quick Passage of Bipartisan Deal

(Nashua, NH) - U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) visited BAE Systems Headquarters in Nashua this morning to highlight the need to pass the bipartisan budget agreement that the Senate is scheduled to consider this week. While highlighting her support for the measure, Shaheen noted that the two year budget will give businesses economic certainty, help promote job creation and protect our economy from another reckless government shutdown.  Shaheen was joined by BAE Systems, Electronic Systems Business President Dan Gobel during her visit to highlight the economic benefits of the plan.  

“While the bipartisan budget isn’t the exact budget I would have crafted, I will support the measure because it’s good for jobs and our economy,” Shaheen said. “This budget will create certainty for small businesses and families and help boost economic growth, create jobs and avoid another government shutdown. It represents the kind of compromise and cooperation that people in New Hampshire and across the country expect from their leaders in Washington.”

“We are pleased that the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the bipartisan budget comprise crafted by Representative Paul Ryan and Senator Patty Murray on December 12,” said a BAE spokesman. “We strongly encourage the U.S. Senate to continue this progress and pass the measure soon.  If enacted, this agreement will provide our military with much needed clarity around short-term funding and priorities.  We recognize that the United States face critical budget issues that must be addressed.  But the current approach of continuing resolution after continue resolution, coupled with the indiscriminate cuts of sequestration, promises to have a devastating effect both on our workforce and on our company’s ability to meet the needs of our men and women in uniform.  Passage of this budget in 2013 could be the first step toward limiting the impact of sequestration and returning to a normal appropriations process.”

The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 would set spending levels for FY 2014 and FY 2015, giving small businesses economic certainty and end the threat of another government shutdown.  Importantly, the budget would also replace across the board budget cuts with a mix of targeted spending reductions and increased revenues.  The bill passed the House last week with overwhelming bipartisan support, 332-94.

Senator Shaheen has long called for a comprehensive budget rather than short term piecemeal agreements. She has also cosponsored legislation with Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) that would amend the federal budget system to a two year biennial budgeting system like used in New Hampshire.