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Shaheen Blasts Republican Obstruction against Critical Voting Rights Legislation

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the following statement after Senate Republicans blocked an essential voting rights bill – the Freedom to Vote: John Lewis Voting Rights Act – from passing the Senate:

“The right to vote isn’t determined by political affiliation. It is the most sacred right enshrined in the U.S. Constitution for every eligible American and ensures our country is, as President Lincoln said, ‘government of the people, by the people, for the people.’ It’s shameful that today every Republican in the U.S. Senate voted against essential, commonsense measures that safeguard voting rights. The right to vote is the bedrock of our democracy, and it shouldn’t be up for partisan debate. From the insurrection on our Capitol to a wave of voter discrimination laws passed by states, the fragility of our democracy has been on full display. It’s clear that Congress must act,” said Shaheen.

She continued: “It’s outrageous that Republicans chose partisanship over our republic by obstructing the most meaningful action of our generation to safeguard Americans’ voices in our elections. Particularly on the heels of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Republicans’ refusal to defend voting rights – a cause Dr. King championed – is a disservice to his legacy and Americans who’ve been silenced or suffered because their voices were drowned out by special interests or their access to the ballot box was blocked. Americans want Congress to act in defense of the right to vote – we cannot let them down. History is watching.”
