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Shaheen Calls for Congressional Investigation into Attacks on U.S. Diplomats

(Washington, DC)—U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees, issued the following statement in response to news reports that U.S. government officials suspect that the Kremlin is behind attacks on American personnel in Cuba:

“I am not surprised by indications that the Kremlin has a hand in the ongoing and debilitating attacks against U.S. personnel overseas. The Kremlin is steadily increasing its aggression towards the United States and I believe it will continue to do so until we respond with clarity and strength,” said Shaheen. “Over the last year, I have received several briefings about these ongoing attacks in Cuba and now, in China. I am horrified by the unprecedented nature and extent of these assaults and urge that this matter receive the full attention of our government at the highest levels. For this reason, I’m calling for a congressional investigation to get to the bottom of this ongoing threat. Republicans and Democrats must be united in condemning these attacks and defending U.S. personnel stationed around the world. It is crucial that Congress and the Trump administration unite against all ongoing threats, including the targeting of U.S. elections and of U.S. diplomats. If we fail to do so, hostile actors will continue to see our lack of unity as a free pass to increase their aggression against U.S. personnel and civilians, alike.”